
Kodiak by Adam Nelson

Fourth of July week this year brought me to Kodiak with friends. This trip was a spontaneous decision for me made two weeks prior while completing a short contract in Utqiagvik (formerly Barrow), AK. The tip brought me from Utqiagvik to Fairbanks to Kodiak.


The main city on Kodiak Island aptly named Kodiak.


After one night in Kodiak we took an unplanned flight out to Larsen Bay for some Fourth of July festivities yet to be planned. So short was then notice for me I didn't even have time to buy booze. Fortunately Steve and Kassie had purchased some in Anchorage so we for set for a day or two. Kassie and Denise seem pretty stoked about this.


Anook. who flew out as well, enjoys the great weather as she studies Larsen Bay patiently on our first day.

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Larsen Bay day two brought Steve, Kassie, and I out to Shelikof Strait. Thanks to the lodge folk who shared their holiday working with us.


We fished for pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis ) and black rockfish. Here we limited out on black rockfish (Sebastes melanops). We didn't catch any keeper halibut and head back towards Larsen Bay to empty the crab pots. 

Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi ) harvested in the Uyak Straight near Larsen Bay.

Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi ) harvested in the Uyak Straight near Larsen Bay.

These guys were keepers and would be come the evenings dinner. This was my first experience eating tanner crab. I would describe it is similar to dungeness crab but tastier. No way to beat fresh caught crab.


After filling up on crab it was beach bonfire time under the beautiful sunset. Hard to beat this sunset!


The last day of the trip brought the crew back to Kodiak. A short drive latter we had found our way to Fossil Beach. From bluffs above Fossil Beach we were able to enjoy the view of Ugak Island and explore bunkers  built during WWII.